Noutăţi Time trial Triathlon/TT Wilier Turbine, Nou 2019-discount-10% TRIATHLON / TT The art of bicycle design turns to science when riders race against the clock. Drag coefficients, micrometric data, and advanced… byRadu decembrie 3, 2018
Noutăţi Time trial Trial Wilier Twin Blade – discount -10% Twin Blade de la 4900,00 € Our approach to aerodynamic design consists of seeing wind and airflow as allies. Our TwinBlade respects the nature… byfluerasa octombrie 7, 2016
Noutăţi Time trial Trial Wilier Blade – discount -10% Blade de la 2650,00 € The Wilier Triestina Blade is made using the same manufacturing mold as the TwinBlade, while having a different carbon… byfluerasa octombrie 7, 2016